Setting up Louisiana LLCs
Business Law Attorney in Louisiana
A limited liability company (LLC) combines aspects of a traditional business partnership with a corporation, providing the company with both operational flexibility and a limit on the owners' liability.
In order to qualify as an LLC, the business can't feature more than two of a corporation's four core features:
- Limited liability to the extent of its assets
- Continuity of life
- Centralized management
- Free transferability of ownership interests
Louisiana Business Lawyer
An LLC provides you with many benefits, but it needs to be properly set up. Contact a Louisiana business matters attorney in order to obtain legal support when setting up an LLC. The Layfield Law Firm, LLC is available to work with you every step of the way in order to properly set up your LLC. As the owner of an LLC myself, I am thoroughly familiar with the process and am available to provide valuable insight into how to do it, as well as seasoned legal counsel.
When setting up an LLC in Louisiana, you need to conduct a search to ensure that the name you are proposing hasn't already been taken. The name of your business must include "limited liability company," "LLC," or "LC." If the name is available, you then need to simultaneously file the "Articles of Organization" (states the purpose of the business and the duration of the LLC), the "Initial Report" (contains the contact information and lists everyone who signed the Articles of Organization), and the "Transmittal Information For All Business Filings." You can mail the documents along with the required fee, or you can submit them in person.
Filing an LLC can be the exciting start to your new business. However mistakes made during the filing can jeopardize your chances of a successful submission. I am available to provide the legal counsel you will need in multiple business matters, including helping you properly file your LLC. Committed to assisting people seeking to go into business, we will be available to answer any of your questions throughout the process.
Contact a Louisiana business lawyer to set up an LLC.
Hear From Our Happy Clients
At The Layfield Law Firm, LLC, your satisfaction is our priority! See for yourself what our clients have to say about working with us.
As a business owner trying to juggle responsibilities with my clients and in my business, it was important to find someone who understood the value of my time while helping me navigate me through a difficult divorce.- Former Client
I contacted him initially because The Layfield Law Firm website specifically listed "uncontested divorce" within the areas of practice.- Former Client
During this process, there were times when I became so frustrated that I wanted to give up. Beau always brought me back to reality and made suggestions to assist with my concerns.- Former Client
Hopefully I won't need a lawyer in the future, but if I do, I am calling Mr Layfield.- Former Client
Have questions? We are here to help. Still have questions or can't find the answer you need? Give us a call at 225-283-1374 today!
Isn't divorce expensive?
A contested divorce can get expensive due to the necessity to attend trial, and document the case to present in court. Those who can work out their agreements prior to court and settle them with negotiations can not only save a lot of money, they avoid the serious stress of a court trial and exposing your personal business in court. In either case, I will help you bring the issue to a resolution with the least amount of stress, whether in a contested or uncontested divorce. I make every effort to make my services affordable so that you can have high quality legal counsel to support your case.
Should I take a settlement offer?
It is never a good idea to settle an insurance claim before speaking with a knowledgeable personal injury attorney that has experience with injury accident cases. Insurance companies have tactics they use to deny claims, redirect fault, and withhold available compensation. An insurance claim can be a complicated process and insurance adjusters can be intimidating to accident victims. An insurance company may assert that the injuries are not as serious as claimed, and attempt to settle quickly for a low amount.
How will child support be calculated?Child support is calculated differently depending on the state one resides in, but the general factors taken into consideration by the court when calculating payments include:
- the standard of living of the child prior to the divorce;
- the ability to pay of the parent giving child support;
- the specific needs of the child, including their food, clothing, and educational costs; and
- the needs and income of the custodial parent (the parent with primary custody of the child).
Is adoption a long process?
Each adopted child has different circumstances. There are several types of adoptions that could take place, including a stepparent adoption, a private adoption or a standard adoption. Each has its own specific challenges. With the help of my firm, we will speed the process through the system as quickly as we can so that you can begin your new family and move forward with starting life together.
How much money can I expect in a settlement?Each personal injury accident is different and the worth of the injuries will depend on the circumstances of the accident and the severity of injuries and disability. Insurance companies have specific calculations they use when assigning a monetary value to the pain and suffering resulting a personal injury causing accident. The firm will protect your right to compensation and pursue legal action if necessary.
Before settling an insurance claim, contact The Layfield Law Firm, LLC to review your case. They can zealously protect your right to fair and full compensation, and your case will be given the focus and priority it deserves.