Burn Injuries

Baton Rouge Burn Injury Lawyer

Injury Claims: Serious Burns in Baton Rouge

Burn injuries are some of the most difficult to treat, and can have long-term consequences, including loss of abilities, loss of limbs, severe scarring and disfigurement. Thermal burns are very common for most people at home and the workplace, and are caused by direct exposure to flame, hot surfaces, steam or scalding from hot liquids. Electrocution burns occur beneath the skin in addition to on the surface, resulting from electrical flow through the body. Chemical burns are a bit different, causing a burn when a chemical such as an acid is put into contact with the skin.

Burn Injury Attorney Serving Baton Rouge

Burn injuries occur most often due to poor safety precautions or general negligence by people who may be inexperienced, may not fully understand the risks involved, or may be demonstrating careless behavior. First-degree burns are the least serious and can be identified by redness or swelling, white skin or skin that looks charred, or peeling skin. Second-degree burns are damaging not only to the surface skin, but also deeper layers. Third-degree burns are very severe and affect all layers of skin. Long-term recovery times are expected, due in large part because of the extent of damage done to the skin. If you or someone you love has suffered first, second or third-degree burns due to the negligence of another person, speak with a Baton Rouge injury lawyer who can help you understand your options.

When a burn injury occurs as a result of another person's negligence, that person may be liable for any damages suffered by the victim. The Layfield Law Firm, LLC has represented multiple burn injury cases and fully understands the unique physical and mental damages victims are left with after any accident. The Layfield Law Firm has the experience and know-how in court to prove the validity of your case, and help you pursue the highest level of compensation possible for your personal injury claim.

Contact a Baton Rouge personal injury attorney at the Layfield Law Firm if you or a loved one has been seriously burned due to the negligence of another.

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At The Layfield Law Firm, LLC, your satisfaction is our priority! See for yourself what our clients have to say about working with us.

    "Beau always responded quickly to my questions, sometimes patiently just listened while I vented."
    As a business owner trying to juggle responsibilities with my clients and in my business, it was important to find someone who understood the value of my time while helping me navigate me through a difficult divorce.
    - Former Client
    "I'm blessed to have had Mr. Beau Layfield representing me throughout my divorce process."
    I contacted him initially because The Layfield Law Firm website specifically listed "uncontested divorce" within the areas of practice.
    - Former Client
    "Beau listened to my concerns and helped me come up with a strategy that worked best for my situation."
    During this process, there were times when I became so frustrated that I wanted to give up. Beau always brought me back to reality and made suggestions to assist with my concerns.
    - Former Client
    "After meeting with three attorneys about my case I choose the Layfield Law Firm."
    Hopefully I won't need a lawyer in the future, but if I do, I am calling Mr Layfield.
    - Former Client
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Have questions? We are here to help. Still have questions or can't find the answer you need? Give us a call at 225-283-1374 today!

  • Should I take a settlement offer?

    It is never a good idea to settle an insurance claim before speaking with a knowledgeable personal injury attorney that has experience with injury accident cases. Insurance companies have tactics they use to deny claims, redirect fault, and withhold available compensation. An insurance claim can be a complicated process and insurance adjusters can be intimidating to accident victims. An insurance company may assert that the injuries are not as serious as claimed, and attempt to settle quickly for a low amount.

  • Do I have to go to court in order to obtain a divorce?

    Filing divorce papers with a court is the only way you will obtain a legal separation from your spouse. This applies to any other form of legal separation, including a marriage annulment. Aside from the divorce decree itself, a court is able to assist in settling other matters related to divorce, which include child custody and the distribution of marital assets.

  • How will custody of my child be decided?
    It is possible for you and your spouse to come to a decision regarding child custody without the court intervening.

    However, if you and your spouse cannot come to a custody terms agreement, the court will decide for you, and will look at the following:

    • the child's gender and age;
    • the child's mental and physical health;
    • the child's relationship with each parent;
    • the parents' respective lifestyles;
    • each parent's ability to provide basic necessities for the child, including shelter, food, and clothing; and
    • the child's preference (if they are of a certain age).
  • Do I need a lawyer in a personal injury claim?
    • Insurance company studies show that those who have legal representation in their case recover an average of 3.5 times more than those who try to get the issue resolved on their own. Insurance companies do not like to pay out large settlements, and frequently move fast with an offer, within days of a car accident or other serious injury accident. If you accept this early offer, it can be a terrible mistake; you may later require more medical treatment, or not recover in the expected amount of time, or could experience complications. I will carefully evaluate your injury case and ensure that we are pursuing every type of damage that could be claimed in your case. It is very important that you have legal counsel that will protect your right to fair compensation, and I will fight for fair treatment for you and your family. A personal injury lawyer is imperative if you suffered serious injuries. I am a Louisiana attorney that is interested in helping your resolve these issues.

  • How do I know if I have a personal injury claim?

    A personal injury accident is the result of the negligent, reckless or careless action of another. An accident that occurs from the use of a dangerous or defective product is an example of a personal injury accident. Another example is a drunk driver who causes a car collision with injuries or fatalities. In the case of negligence, the victim may be eligible for monetary compensation that can include lost income, medical expenses, and pain and suffering. Beau Layfield and The Layfield Law Firm, LLC can represent a client in court and negotiate with insurance companies to pursue the maximum possible compensation.