We Have A New Contender For Most-Expensive-Ever Divorce


When Russian fertilizer magnate Dmitry Rybolovlev and his wife announced that they were divorcing earlier this year, it was heralded as the most expensive divorce in history. Rybolovlev and his wife did not sign a prenuptial agreement, so she walked away with $4.5 billion.

Now, it sounds like this record may not stand long.

Oklahoma oil baron Harold Hamm and his wife, Sue Ann, recently announced that they were divorcing. Hamm founded Continental Resources in the 1960s and now controls more oil than any American. He's among the 50 wealthiest people in the world and has a personal fortune estimated to be worth $17 billion.

Like Rybolovlev, Hamm did not sign a prenuptial agreement before he was married. That means Sue Ann is likely to walk away with a large portion of what he probably regards as his personal fortune.

It will be interesting to see how this divorce plays out. At least so far, the two have not displayed any acrimony. Of course, neither probably wants to give up more than necessary, but that doesn't mean this needs to be an all-out brawl.

As a Baton Rouge divorce lawyer, I work with my clients to give them as stress-free a divorce experience as possible. I am a strong advocate, of course, and work vigorously to defend their interests, but there is simply no reason that needs to result in fighting.

If you think you need to talk to a family law attorney, please feel free to contact my office for an initial consultation.

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